Rooted in Jesus

Making him known

Field of oxeye daisys - warm, welcoming church in Overton village Hampshire LifeSpring Community Church 16.jpg

We’d love to meet you

We’re a warm and welcoming church that meets in Overton. People come to us from far and wide - anywhere from Basingstoke to Andover and all points in between like Whitchurch, Oakley and Overton. You’ll find our meeting programme on the calendar, this is for both in-person gatherings and digital meetings too.

We are moving into spring soon enough, this month in fact. Below you’ll see our Sunday programme where most Sundays we are working our way through major themes in the Gospel of Mark. You’ll also see info about the Alpha Course which has just started at the end of February. .

Let’s Follow Jesus

This term and all the way up through to Easter we’ll be in the gospel of Mark, seeing what Jesus, the Messiah did and how he did it!

Audio from our present teaching series on the Gospel of Mark

Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more

Other talks of note from the last year.

The Alpha Series is coming this term, starting on the 26th February, many more details to come!

The Alpha Series is coming this term, starting on the 26th February, many more details to come!

The alpha Course

It’s started again, the 6th course we’ve run in the last few years, this one has amazing food, conversation and people learning about the Christian faith. Click above to find out more!

What’s coming up


There’s lots going on at our small, friendly church in Overton in Hampshire. Equally, lots of our members are active in the nearby towns and villages. Either way, you’re very welcome to come along or get involved!

We run a handful of regular events and services for all ages throughout the week, as well as courses like Alpha every term or so for those interested in finding out more about the Christian faith.

We update our calendar regularly below, so if you see something of interest, please click on the event for more details or get in touch with us via our Contact page, and we’ll let you know all the details.

Calendar - Friendly church in Overton village Hampshire, building community in Andover, Oakley, Whitchurch & beyond

Our calendar

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 LifeSpring Stories


Online Church

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LifeSpring Online

We are presently offering two online gatherings.

On Tuesday nights is our discipleship group, this is a combo of connection time and discovering the Bible together. This term that begins on the 24th September and runs Tuesday nights until December.

Once per month on a Sunday night is ZoomGroup where it’s a format like a small group with sharing, a song and we’re looking at the story of Joshua through the lens of our own stories. Check out the dates and what we have going on this term on ZoomGroup.

Our ZoomGroup on Sunday night has had so many guest speakers we couldn’t begin to list them all. We’ve encountered many people who have built our faith and who shared about how their faith was built. We’ll choose another theme to cover in future groups, you can see the plan next this blurb.


What’s on

Community events


We aim to be involved in our communities as much as possible. It’s almost impossible to keep up with everything that happens in Oakley, Overton, Whitchurch and further afield. When there’s something that’s happening that we are helping with or organising, you’ll find it here.

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What’s (usually) on

Boy with green mask & cape - warm, welcoming church in Overton village Hampshire LifeSpring Community Church.jpg

discover more

Connect Groups

Courses (Alpha, Christianity Explored)

Little Creations (toddler group)

