We’d love to meet you

We’re a warm and welcoming church that meets in Overton. People come to us from far and wide - anywhere from Basingstoke to Andover and all points in between like Whitchurch, Oakley and Overton. You’ll find our meeting programme on the calendar, this is for both in-person gatherings and digital meetings too.

We are moving into spring soon enough, this month in fact. Below you’ll see our Sunday programme where most Sundays we are working our way through major themes in the Gospel of Mark. You’ll also see info about the Alpha Course which has just started at the end of February. .

Let’s Follow Jesus

This term and all the way up through to Easter we’ll be in the gospel of Mark, seeing what Jesus, the Messiah did and how he did it!

Audio from our present teaching series on the Gospel of Mark

Audio Block
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Other talks of note from the last year.