Sunday Mornings
We gather most Sunday mornings in St. Luke’s Hall in Overton. This a wonderful hall with ample space to worship, for kids work, with parking in a small car park and on the street. We have an informal style, with sung worship, sharing testimonies and usually a talk from the Bible. There are plenty of other ways we gather too, see below for more details.
We try to live out our faith in all of life, wherever, whenever. We meet on Sundays in Overton, but have other gatherings and activities in our communities too. We love people of ages and have ways to connect with the very young to the elderly.
Everyday Life
We feel that living out our faith in everyday life is key to being a disciple of Jesus. Our aim is to rooted in Jesus and making Him known, and this takes place everyday. In the villages, towns and hamlets where we live. Most of living out faith takes place in the home, or a cafe, school run, golf course, workplace, commute etc…
It’s an everyday venture for everyone.
Connect Groups
We gather in either homes, online or in a cafe to open up the Bible, connect with Jesus, connect with others and connect through prayer. These happen in both Oakley and Overton along with an online one on Zoom.
We run regular Alpha courses and other online courses like Discipleship Explored for those interesting in exploring the Christian faith - see more on our Alpha page.
Family Activities
We are really excited to be running with Overton Churches Together an all new family Bible club called the JoyZone. it meets on the First Sunday of the month in the afternoon 3pm at St. Luke’s Hall in Overton. It’s a combo of craft, games, challenges, songs, sketches and more all around a theme from the Bible.
The next one is a special JoyDay which happens on the 15th August at 9:30am-3pm in St. Luke’s Hall.