Join in with us


On most Sunday mornings we meet from 10:30 with coffee/tea and biscuits at Saint Luke's Hall. We begin gatherings with singing, welcome, notices, during the morning there will be reading, a talk, prayer and often sharing from our lives. We would love to have you visit us whether you are new to the area, looking for a church, new to faith, or simply visiting the area.

In terms of other regular connection points in addition to Sunday gatherings, we currently have:

  • Connect Group which meets on Zoom every other Tuesday evening

  • Discipleship Group which meets on Tuesday nights on Zoom

  • Around the Table - Meal and Discovery Bible Study on Wednesday nights

  • ASK - Ask, Seek, Knock prayer meeting on the 2nd Tuesday of each month


Where we meet (normally)

Most Sundays
From 10:30am for tea and coffee
Worship starts around 10:30am

Our address:

Saint Luke’s Hall
Winchester Street
RG25 3HT

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